Case study of Mrs. Vimalsri Parvathy

Vimalsri Parvathy from Thadchanamaruthamadu is most thankful to Caritas- Valvuthayam for a way of opening to be sustainable. She is a well settled beneficiary by her immense effort earning income through home garden, high land crop, paddy cultivation, dairy farming and goat rearing.  We were returned to our village with many questions about our future with empty hand from menic farm, she said.

During the resettlement period, Vimalasri Parvathi was added to the list of beneficiaries for livelihood under Caritas-Valvuthayam project funded by Stromme Foundation, while people were waiting for assistance to initiate a business venture to manage their family needs. She received agrarian kits such as water pump, hose and etc.

According to the livelihood received she started her home garden as first IGA, and was happy about the income earned. However, with the small income she could not do anything extra activities for additional income. She was the leader of Vasantham Self Help Group; it helped to have financial assistance to initiate a new income source and also it helped her reserve some money at the SHG. She started poultry farming with the loan received for Vasantham SHG, and she increased the saving by preparing a narrow budget for her family.

In 2014, in another development programme, she received another livelihood assistance milk cow, and, then, with the saving in SHG and a loan from CBO she bought one more milk cow. Meanwhile, she along with her family prepared the paddy land which was filled with trees and bushes. She was succeeded by the paddy cultivation. Through these activities she increased the income and started high land crop.

Within a short period, as her daughter desired, she started goat farming with the financial assistance of Thadchanamaruthamadu CBO. As she is a meticulous entrepreneur, she convert the wastes into money such as making gudjan from coconut trees and composing form waste through animal husbandry and agriculture activities.

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