“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

-Mother Teresa

The idea of the formation of an institution to serve the poor and the needy in the light of the gospel value was brought up by both clergy and the laity during early 1981. The dream of the clergy and the laity became true and reality on May 28th 1981. With the support of the catholic bishops’ conference through the socio-economic development and educational centre (select) in Colombo, that coordinate all the diocesan activities in Sri Lanka.

The activities of this institution initially commenced activities from Madhu church. With the expansion of activities, services and emerged needs of these two civil administrative districts Mannar and Vavuniya. It started its function in the place Where it presently exists.

From its infancy state, it grew up, matured and developed as a service-oriented organization under the supreme and sincere guidance of our lordships and the former and present directors.

Our Vision

Realization of a just Sri Lankan society based on gospel values of love, forgiveness, peace, unity, equality – lived, promoted and protected irrespective of race, caste and religion.

Our Mission

Empowering people through animation and being in solidarity in their efforts for integral human development.

Bishop & Director

Community service gives us a valuable opportunity to walk into a different community that is less familiar to me but just as colourful and most importantly, in need.

Bishop of Mannar

Bishop of Mannar

His Lordship Rt.Dr.Fidelish Lionel Emmanuel Fernando

Director of Valvuthayam

Director of Valvuthayam

Rev.Fr.G.Arulraj croos (Director)

We Take Action. To Make Better Changes

Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

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Former Directors

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.


1981 – 1984

Fr.Allban Rayasingam OMI

1984 – 1995

Fr. Emilianuspillai

1995 – 2001


2001 – 2006

Fr.Peppi Soosai

2006 – 2011


2011 – 2018


2018 – 2023

Become Our Donor

It does not matter how much we donate; it matters whether the donation is meaningful.

Donate Now

Your donation towards our work may be made by cheque drawn in favour of: “Caritas Valvuthayam” and posted to Mannar, Sri Lanka.

All contributions, however big or small, will be used for humanitarian service rendered by our organization, especially for the needy, the marginalized, and the voiceless communities. If you have a particular area of preference or a cause you wish to support (e.g., Centre for Disabled, Education Assistance, Support for CWDs (CBR Project), Agiamondo, Livelihood Support, Food Security, Village Animation, Religious Amity, Healing & Reconciliation, Environment Project, Emergency Response, Vocational Training Institute), please feel free to indicate such information when sending your donation.

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