Journey Towards a Sustainable National Level Movements.

Caritas Valvuthayam has conducted a Meeting on 07.08.2021 at Maruthamadhu in the DS division of Nanattan to create a better link with local police and others who are involved in enforcing law in the district under the project of Healing and Reconciliation – Journey Towards a Sustainable National Level Movements.

This meeting was directed by Miss. Sutharshini. Attorney of Law. There were numerous village level issues discussed such as youth problems, other important issues faced by the villagers, and also the violence and problems with attitudes toward Child Abuse and the adoption of mixed marriages with further challenges and issues faced by their youth and children.

The meeting also covered the implications of young adult marriages and were able to detail about the legal approaches to get rid of the problem as well as the solution and prevention methods with the punishment and penalties also discussed very briefly.

At the last session, they were discussed about the school dropouts and irregular-attendance to schools and the parents and children were clearly explained about the legal actions could be taken against it.

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