The newly constructed Pre School building for kinder garden kids at Gim brown nagar village located in the administrative areas of Mannar Cathedral parish was handed over to the community and the preschool parent’s development society to undertake PRESCHOOL educational activities for preschool kids. The preschool building project was successfully implemented by Caritas-Valvuthayam with the financial assistance from Rockids foundation and WILDE GANZEN. The opening ceremony was organized on the 6th April 2022, under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Augusteen Parish priest of Cathedral Mannar jointly with Rev. Fr. S. Anton Director of Caritas Valvuthayam Mannar. The Programme Manager Mrs. Marjolin along with their dutch partner from WILDE GANZEN had also participated the opening ceremony and witnessed the impact of their own project intervention. The Cathedral parish committee members, village level community based organizations, preschool parents, teachers, students and youth had also attended the opening ceremony.
To highlights the preschool building opening ceremony the Tree Planting event was also held on the same day. The first tree was planted by Rockids foundation and WILDE GANZEN representative Mrs. Marjolin and her friends who were also present from Netherlands. Followed by first tree planting session Rev. Fr. S. Anton Director of Caritas Valvuthayam Mannar, Rev. Fr. Augusteen Parish priest cathotral Mannar, Assistant parish priest, Pre School AD Zonal Education Mannar and other invitees also planted trees respectfully.