Career guidance training For Youths from Madhu DS division

Training topics; Career guidance training 

Participants;- Youths from Stromme Foundation funded project target villages in Madhu DS division.

Venue;- Conference hall- Caritas-Valvuthayam.

Held on ;- 30th October 2019.

Implementing Partner ;- Caritas-Valvuthayam Mannar. 

Caritas-Valvuthayam organized career guidance awarenesstraining session for unemployed youths and entrepreneurs youth groups under  youth empowerment programme initiative. 40 youths from 20 target villages of Madhu DS division had participated the session.  The below outlined outcomes are achieved as results of the training session.• Available skill vocational training courses ( VT course) in Mannar District and in the region.• Demands and locally available job opportunities for skilled workers in Mannar district and in the region.• Available financial supports for VT course students to motivate them to enroll in VT courses.• Identified the challenges faced by youths from Madhu DS division  to enroll in VT courses.• Participants are empowered and enhanced to develop strategies to overcome their challenges to achieve their dreams.  

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