Since March 2023, we have been collaborating with Deaflink to organize a medical camp for the elderly under the Centre For Disabled unit of Caritas Valvuthayam Mannar. Within these six months altogether 19 medical camps have been conducted in the district of Anuradhapura. The objective of this camp is to provide Prostheses limbs, Orthoses and mobility equipment to people with disabilities, with the technical support of the Centre For Disabled. In our 19th medical camp in November 2023, which lasted for two days 72 individuals with disabilities, benefitted from this medical camp.
On the first day of camp, 23 beneficiaries were fitted with Prostheses and Orthoses Devices. We then delivered the devices that suited each beneficiary. On the second day, we assessed 49 new individuals with disabilities who received 107 necessary devices, including Prostheses limbs, Orthoses casts, and mobility equipment. Also, we delivered 1201 devices to 687 individuals with disabilities, within these six months.