Experience sharing of the treasurer of the IHD-Civic Project CBO Mrs. George Kumar Anat. Periyakulam, Parapankandal, Mannar.

My name is George Kumar Annet, from Periyakulam, Parapankandal.I am leading a happy life with my husband and three children. My husband is a farmer and my kids are studying well. I am grateful to Caritas-Valvuthayam for implementing the project called Civic Dialogue in my village and bringing us under one umbrella called CBO, to address and to advocate for our rights and village needs. The training given to us in different capacities and in livelihood activities such as agriculture, livestock, leadership, village development, family management, family planning, decision making, CBO networking, conflict management, revolving loan system, psychosocial counseling, basic Hygienic promotion, Human Rights and Good Governance. It created a change of mentality. Now we as one community able to involve in all our community activities without any difference of caste and religion. 

It is noted that the active participation of men and women of CBO members is increased. In the beginning, common meetings, training and awareness programs were organized under the shady trees and in the houses due to lack of common buildings facilities. Indeed, our community members initially took a step to make their own financial contribution to own a private land and succeeded in it. Secondly we all got together to leveled the land. Thirdly as a CBO we came forward to submit a letter of request for a common building to Government and non-government organizations. As a result the local Government authorities have agreed to provide the common building facility to cater the needs of our village. On the other hand, internal roads in our village were heavily damaged due to civil war and were not renovated for a long time. We, as a CBO sent continuous written reminders to Road Development Authorities to take necessary actions. As a result, the respective authorities have confirmed the fund allocation but the works are pending because of the bad weather condition. Another big social problem was shortage of drinking water. Many efforts were taken by the CBO to address this issue with Irrigation Department and Water Board but still there were no positive response.

Normally, our people have the habit of earning, eating and spending without realizing the importance of saving. But this project created a change in their mentality and habitual actions and enhance a habit of savings. To facilitate the process of saving, five self-helped group were formed and opened Bank accounts. Every month each member is saving minimum of Rs.100. 00.

Finally, I wish to say that the project has created greater impact on the aspects of our village development, family economy, education of children, hygiene and spirituality. Therefore, I sincerely thank the donors and implementing organization for their immense support and kindly request them to continue the successful work in our village.

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