I am Nitharson. I am 15 years old and living in a rural village called Vaddakandal, Mannar. My family consisted of 05 members. My father is a famer. At the age of seven I was subjected to a disease and became finding of difficult in walking.
I stopped schooling and my parents took me to CENTRE FOR DISABLED. The clinical staff checked and referred me to Borela Hospital in Colombo for further medical checkup. After a thorough checkup they diagnosed that I had DMD (Duchene Muscular Dystrophy) and then referred me to Physiotherapy treatment.
I went ahead Physiotherapy Treatment at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna. Then I was taken to India for Ayurveda treatment. While the treatments and supportive measures going on I showed my interest in Electronic Devices. When my parents noticed the keen interest that I had and they sent me to a mobile phone repairs course. Now I am engaged in mobile phone repairs at home.
My parents like to engage me in more training and wants to buy a computer for me. Already they have made a request to the Divisional Secretary Office. Due to the plight of my family, they are not in a position of fulfilling my ambition. My parents and I are with the idea of developing this field.