Educational stationary equipment and sleeping bed kits pack worth of Rs.10,000/= per student has been provided to 2,000 underprivileged students from schools in Mannar diocese of Mannar and Vavuniya Districts. The distribution of school stationary packs and sleeping kit project is funded by Sleeping Children around the world foundation from Canada with a complementary school shoe pack from Rotary Club Kelaniya Colombo branch. The distribution event was organized in 5 distribution centers to make easy travelling access to selected beneficiary students.
The Bishop of Mannar diocese Most Rev. Dr. Fidelis Lionel Emmanuel Fernando graced the opening distribution ceremony at Kalaiaruvi Mannar center by his presence and offered his blessings to all participants including student’s beneficiaries and donors who were present on this occasion.
With the permission of Madu and Mannar Zonal Education Directors, students collected their supplies directly from nearby distribution centers, using name details provided by their school principals, without any ethnic or religious discrimination. At the opening event the Bishop of the Mannar Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Fidelis Lionel Emmanuel Fernando, emphasized that these assistance reached to the most economically affected students especially during the economic crisis situation in our country.
Caritas-Valvuthayam Director Rev. Fr. G.A. Arulraj Cross expressed his gratitude for the dedicated efforts and sacrifices of volunteer members of Kelaniya Colombo Rotary Club members and donors of Sleeping Children around the World Foundation members who made this assistance possible.
The distribution events in all five divisions were chaired by the Director of Caritas Valvuthayam and he further express his gratitude to the zonal education directors, school principals, parents, and the staff and volunteers of Valvuthayam who worked hard to make this event meaningful and successful.