Activeness of a children club

Kalmdhu children club was formed by Caritas- Valvuthayam under the Stromme Foundation Project in 2012 in order to ensure child friendly environment for children. For the capacity improvement and leadership qualities of all children club members Caritas with the support of child protection unit at Madhu Divisional Secretariate provided training on child protection, leadership and importance of education. Further, in order to promote their reading habits and leisure time activities, library books and play kits were donated by Caritas. Also, exposure visits and educational tours to the Southern part of Sri Lanka, made the children exposed to different culture.

All these inputs boosted the children club to become independent body at Kalmadu village to work for their own community and advocate for their rights. Under the supervision of field staff, field animators and community based organizations, children club members have successfully made the following achievements;

  1. Conduct regular monthly meetings
  2. Organized drawing competitions to create covid19 awareness among their members
  3. Celebrated Thaipongal festival
  4. Mobilized their members to receive learning materials from local NGOs; Vanni Makkal Kappaham and Velicham Arakaddalai.
  5. Organized children’s day celebration inviting SDO and GN.
  6. Launched a tree planting event in the premises of preschool and GN office.
  7. Under environmental protection, they started collecting polythene waste from their village

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