Awareness on Building Peace and Reconciliation

With the guidance of Rev.Fr.S.Anton, We had very important seminar on building Peace and reconciliation for youth and front line officers from the local Government. Especially our targeted village youth and government staff almost 35 individuals participated in the programme. Mr.Arivalahan was the resource person who briefed regarding the leadership and it components as well as he gave instruction with guidelines, how to solve the issues which identified at our targeted villages for the sustainability of the reconciliation process. Furthermore he insisted the Peace influences our communities and individuals to live together and take common decision to make unity in the society. 

The end of the session, we have formed a group including youth and government officers. It was a commendable initiative to build peace and reconciliation amidst the youth and our targeted villages. Meanwhile this programme motivated individuals to know their roles and responsibilities and it was greatly appreciated by the youth groups since this programme makes them think of Peace and Reconciliation.

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