English lessons on flash drives to ensure the continuous of learning in target villages who don’t have access to internet.

School closures and limited teaching hours in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted learning and affecting hundreds of students at target villages in Madhu Division.

With the technical support of OPEn and financial support from the Stromme Foundation, Caritas-Valvathayam distributed 100 fully uploaded English lessons on flash drives to ensure the continuous of learning in target villages who don’t have access to internet.

Miss.Yoharasa Banshika has been trained to teach this lesson, and she says…..

“I started this teaching programme with very tension, because I had no experience in teaching. The learning system allowed me to get interested and be more active. The students were unable to read or write even one word in English when I started the class. Now they have improved and their parents have realized that their children have improved in their knowledge in English”, says Banshika, the grade 12 student from Palampitty.

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