Caritas-Valvuthayam program provides career guidance training for Mannar district’s youth with Misereor’s financial support.

A two-day career guidance training course was held under the Caritas-Valvuthayam environment protection program with the financial support of Misereor on 29.03.2023 and 30.03.2023 at the Valvuthayam audience hall, while the opening speech of the training course was delivered by the director of Valvuthayam Rev.Fr. S.Anton, the problem of unemployment is a huge challenge for the youth of Mannar district today. Therefore, he said, this two-day training will help in getting suitable jobs.

This training course was conducted by Mr.V.Sabesan, Career Guidance Officer of Jaffna College of Technology. 48 young boys and girls who completed the training from Southbar, Veppankulam, Kathankulam, Periyakadai and other places  were given certificates.

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