Case study of Mr.S.Amirthanathan

Mr.S.Amirthanathan, age 59 from Kathankulam village got displaced to India in 1990 due to ethnic conflict together with his wife and daughter. As head of the family, Mr.Amuthan had to undergo so much of difficulties, pressures, pain and hardships to look after his family. Finally, he got the opportunity to work as a daily laborer to a chief meson. His earning was not sufficient enough to feed the family and educate his daughter in a good school. While they were staying in India, he had the privilege of having his son – Durance in the year of 1991. His insufficient income forced him stop the education of daughter with basic education in India and helping son to go up to higher education to the level of post &

Because of the difficult living condition in Indian camps and the normalcy of his mother land – Sri Lanka, Mr.S.Amuthan decided to return to his homeland Kathankulam in 2018. Even after his return to his homeland with so much hopes and happiness, he faced frustrated situations. Cadjan weaved shed was not conducive to keep his young daughter and not protective enough for the family members to sleep at nights. Though the government promised with much assistance to Indian returnees, it has no financial support or any other support to this family initially. And also, as the son is born in India and completed his education qualifications in India, he could not apply for any government jobs and found it difficult to register his birth in Sri Lanka.

In this chaotic scenario, Mr.Amuthan directly approached responsible government officials such as Gramaniladhari and Divisional Secretary to get support and guidance for their survival and decent life. Ultimately, the government officials as known well the project activities implemented by Caritas-Valvuthayam referred the family to our office. After reviewing the request letter for livelihood assistance, the project staff accepted the request letter and added as beneficiaries. To analyze the family background and truthfulness of request, project staff paid field visit to the house. The family’s small hut amidst of recently cleaned jungle without proper protective fence, revealed the reality.

As the family is selected under the project of 50 livelihood assistance, father and son actively participated in the training programme. In the last phase of livelihood selection, they opted for cattle rearing through a business development plan. For the livelihood grant Rs.50, 000.00, Mr.Amuthan bought a cow with a calf that could give 3lts of milk per day. Monthly they are earning additionally Rs.6000 and using milk for own consumption also. Regarding this achievement Mr.Amuthan says, ‘within the one year of my return to Sri Lanka, no assistance given to me so far. The first organization that provided an unforgettable assistance through effective means is Caritas-Valvuthayam. I have sustainable income source now and nutritional condition of my children also got increased. Therefore, my family is thankful to Caritas-Valvuthayam, its Director, field staff and the training resource persons for lighting up the lamp in our family.

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