Child rights programme at thevanpiddy on 17 September 2020

Considering the wellbeing of our future generation, a Child Rights programme was conducted at Thevanpiddy RCTMS School on 17.09.2020 with the collaboration of Mr. AmalrajCroos (Child Right Officer). It was organized under the direction of Rev.Fr.Director Caritas Valvuthyam. 53 students participated in the above programme and the following tops were taken for discussion. 

•         what rights are not realised …, researching and mapping, making visible …

•         why those are not realised (immediate & root causes)

•         Who or which institution bears responsibility, what are the challenges to overcome – legislative, capacity, resources, and attitude?

•         How best to change – what needs to be done, or done differently? What are others doing?

•         And what is the role of Caritas Valvuthyamin achieving that change?

Students clearly understood their rights and responsibility and decided to put them into practice with the support of the school society.

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