Under the Kinder Mission Project, Caritas – Valvuthayam organized a work shop for Preschool teachers, youth and project staffs on 19.10.2021 at Valvuthayam Hall.
The intention of this work shop was how to identify the early disabilities at the village level and how to address their needs rights.
This work shop was facilitated by the RTA of CFD and 26 number of the participants were participated in this work shop which was covered the following topics.
- How disability creates?
- What are the barriers to developing disability?
- How children are affected by disability?
- Factors influencing the development of disability
- Group work (What is the role of CBR )
- Disabilities- related terminology
- 4 Key things want you to know about People with disabilities.
- Disabilities in early childhood
- Early identification and intervention.
- Developmental stage of normal child.
- What is epilepsy? what to do with epilepsy?
- Role of a Rehabilitation term.
- The importance of physiotherapy
- Activities of developing milestones
- What are the Different types of Outhouses used by people with disabilities
- What are the Mobility devices used by PWD, and how PWD can use Mobility devices?
- Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).
- How Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).becomes important for PWD
- Common disability by birth
- Who can use a wheelchair?
- How an appropriate wheelchair should be provided for a PWD.