For the encouragement and preparation of self-employment program by government, Caritas Valvuthayam planned to take 45 youth from Madhu DS division to Mullaitivu and Trincomallee where the youth are exposed to coconut farm, cadju farm, mango farm, teak state and organic farm. Youth exposure to see such middle range farms in Mullaitivu and Trincomallee paved way for the youth from rural villages to gather knowledge and prepare themselves for the government land donation program.
- To provide an opportunity to 45 youth through an exposure to such big farms in Mullaitivu and Trincomallee
- To prepare well the youth with practical knowledge and experience through cross learning exercise
- To create a healthy environment for youth to ask questions freely and gather knowledge about different types of possible farms
- To ensure rural village youth have access to government lands by passing the interview
- To increase youth employment and local economy