Case Study of Loorthumary

Loorthumary is a widow who lost her husband in 2020 and living with her son who is doing his higher education. She has 4 children and three of them were got married and the last one is living with Loorthumary. She said that about four years they all lived in a small hut at Shanthipuram before that they lived in a small house which was in critical condition and not safety for living in. They were really struggled to manage their living in the hut as they had two female children.

During the rainy season they always affected by the flood every year. They had a plan to construct a small permanent house but due to the insufficient income from daily wage by her husband their dream was changed as faded. And after missing her husband she completely forgot about the dream on a permanent house. As she received information from Grama Niladari about the housing scheme by Caritas-Valvuthayam, she approached the office with a much confidence as she earlier heard about Caritas-Valvuthayam and its services. After a discussion with the director she was delighted, she was added to the list of beneficiaries for the housing project and her dream began to shine like the moon from the grip of a dark cloud.  

Now, She enjoys her life with a calm mind and the dignity of a new permanent home; and she hopes that she has got a status in the society. Finally Loorthumary thanked the Caritas-Valvuthayam.

  • Contribution of beneficiary.

In the 1st round the beneficiaries paid their contribution for cleaning the construction site, excavation of foundation, filling earth, excavation of gully pit and spraying water for the block wall and unloading.

But in the 2nd round the beneficiaries contributed according to their capacity. As to minimize the labour charge, they paid their contribution such as making cement blocks, excavation, earth filling and unloading. Some are worked as unskilled labours for Mason. The beneficiaries are able to manage the high price of construction goods by paying their contribution.

Some of them provided food and accommodation for mason and labours to make the work effective and efficient. Through this they reduced the labour charge.

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