Empowering/Educating women to be internal conflict solvers at village level in Mannar – AGIAMONDO Peace Building Programme 2021.

With the guidance of Rev. Fr. Director, Caritas Valvuthyam organized the above Peace Building Orientation Session for Preschool Teachers at Valvuthayam common hall on 11.10.2021.

55 numbers of preschool teachers were participated in this training session.

The orientation session has mainly focused on reducing or ending violent, conflict and promoting a culture of peace. The below activities promote the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help women either to prevent the occurrence of conflict, resolve conflicts peacefully or create social conditions conducive to peace.

  • Awareness on Non Violent Communication
  • Capacity building on Child psychology
  • Awareness on peace building  
  • Awareness on Resolving conflict in the family
  • Child Rights programme for Parents
  • Awareness on Conflict transformation and nonviolent action.
  • Visiting religious Places

Finally Rev. Fr. Director mentioned; Caritas Valvuthayam, Caritas SEDEC and AGIAMONDO Germany have joined their hands to develop its potential to respond against conflict and to promote peace.

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