Long Term Innovative Project

The innovative project called ‘Empowered Households: Fostering Secure sustainable livelihood and nourishing environments for families – Mannar’ is being implemented under the funding assistance of Misereor. 60 farmers through a screening process are selected from Pesalai, Veppankulam and Karampaikkulam. As a means of sustainable livelihood and nourishing environment, the 60 farmers are distributed with perennial crops and intercrop inputs value of Rs.40,000.00 per each. 

By integrating perennial crops and intercrops, poor farmers, including women-headed households and disabled farmers, are able to build sustainable and resilient agricultural systems. This approach not only enhances their income and food security but also empowers them within their communities, contributing to overall socioeconomic development.

It is an innovative project because:

  1. Growing perennial crops (like fruit trees or coconut) alongside annual intercrops (like vegetables or legumes) provides farmers with diverse income options throughout the year.
  2. This reduces reliance on a single crop, enhancing financial stability. Perennial crops often require fewer inputs (like fertilizers and pesticides) over time, reducing overall production costs.
  3. Intercropping can further enhance resource efficiency, leading to more profitable farming systems.
  4. The combination of perennial crops and intercrops can improve soil health, leading to higher yields. Healthier soils require less investment in external inputs, allowing farmers to save money and increase profits.
  5. Intercropping and perennial farming practices can be adapted to smaller plots of land, making it accessible for women and disabled farmers who may have limited resources or physical capabilities.

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