Material Inputs distribution for 13 entrepreneurs for compost making and seeds production in Mannar district.

Caritas-Valvuthayam under the project called safeguarding the natural resources in Sri Lanka funded by Misereor selected 13 entrepreneurs for compost making and seeds production in Mannar district. To release the poor families from the effects of economic burden in the country, this project is targeting on the improvements of organic agriculture products in the district.

These inputs are distributed to the beneficiaries to kick start their agriculture activities towards a business model; marketing their seeds and composts in the areas. As they are already doing seeds production and compost making, this input distribution is a motivation for them to expand their business so that they can get more income. Based on the performance, achievements and success of these business, Caritas-Valvuthayam would review their status to assist them in 2023 as well until their establish a business model in the target villages with business registration.

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