Nutrition program for mothers

In remembrance of Nutritional Week, an especial training programme organized for mothers in Nanattan Hindu Cultural Hall. Parents were mobilized with the support of preschool teachers and field staff. The project staff explained about food security project, Valvuthayam activities and purpose of this training programme.
Midwifes from this area covered the following trainings within the allocated time for mothers;
Nutrition food, Children health, how to cook the healthy/tasty food for children at home, not to buy and give to children the food which are selling in the shops. Produce the organic food at home, produce food from your home garden, parents care towards the children.  Closer maintenance, follow ups and periodical checking of child group standard at MOH office every month to evaluate the growth and weight.
At the end of training programme itself, midwife in consultation with project staff and mothers decided to organize a campaign walking from MOH office to public junction for the awareness creation of NUTRITIONAL WEEK.

Preschools                                                      Programme Date        No of participants

01. Alavakkai                                                   23.05.2019                              27

02. Perikarikandal                                           04.06.2019                              18

03. Neeravipuram                                            10.06.2019                              25

04. Nanattan Hindu preschool                     11.06.2019                              23

05. Naruvilikulam                                           22.06.2019                              30       

06. Nanattan                                                   28.06.2019                              15

07. Murunkan  MOH office                            02.07.2019                              20                               

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