Common Activities

Trainer for empowerment and trauma work (m/f/x)
Empowering Future Leaders: Enhancing Leadership and Communication Skills in Students
Psycho-Social and Family Counseling Workshop Empowering CBO Members to Address Social Issues
Livelihood Revolving Loan Scheme Empowers Self-Help Groups in Mannar District for Sustainable Livelihood Activities
Building Resilient Communities: DRRM Awareness Session Empowers Self Help Groups and CBOs
Material Inputs distribution for 13 entrepreneurs for compost making and seeds production in Mannar district.
Caritas-Valvuthayam under “Donating Blood Saves the life” theme of this year organized a blood Donation Campaign on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at Caritas-Valvuthayam auditorium,
Distribution of dry ration for Caritas-Valvuthayam, Mannar computer course students.
Caritas-Valvuthayam in order to create public awareness towards green nature organized a tree planting program at Vamathevapuram Hindu temple premises in Manthai West DS division, Mannar on 08th of September 2022 at 10.00am.
A public rally and a cleaning campaign, an initiative supported and sponsored by Caritas-Valvuthayam, Mannar under the environment project called; “Stepping Stone to Safeguarding Sri Lanka’s Natural resources” held at Madhu Road on the 20th of August 2022.

A Small Step Can Make a Big Change.

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Your donation towards our work may be made by cheque drawn in favour of: “Caritas Valvuthayam” and posted to Mannar, Sri Lanka.

All contributions, however big or small, will be used for humanitarian service rendered by our organization, especially for the needy, the marginalized, and the voiceless communities. If you have a particular area of preference or a cause you wish to support (e.g., Centre for Disabled, Education Assistance, Support for CWDs (CBR Project), Agiamondo, Livelihood Support, Food Security, Village Animation, Religious Amity, Healing & Reconciliation, Environment Project, Emergency Response, Vocational Training Institute), please feel free to indicate such information when sending your donation.

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